Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Blind Mage

They travel to the out skirts of Dunbarton, the many vast plain lands with many rooming cattle and horses. What stood out was a lone house made out of rock, surrounded by many horses with a lake behind it. The duo walked a path that carefully led to the front door of the house, the large male stood behind the little elf and waited for her to knock. She was about to knock till her ears started to twitch, picking up a noise that led to the lake behind the house. Only to hear a woman's voice signing along with lute playing; both of them walked up to her only giving 10 feet of space between them.

A long time ago now,
I saw him.
Flames did lick at his skin,
As the village burned around him.
Children cry in the night,
Fallen laid to mourn.
Hope is slain, All in vain,
Here our King is born.
Bow down, 
Bow down,
Into the ground.
Blood of innocent flows,
Into the soil he owns.
(BrunuhVille-Our Hero)

Her voice flowed along the the small gust of winds, that came every now and then. Her voice did not match the beauty of the lyrics, the voice was soft and kind but it was still rough as if it been through years of sorrow. She placed her lute on her back, turning her self to face the duo that waited for her song to end. Her skin was almost pearl white, her raven short hair; banged on the side of her head and fell in the middle of her face. She wore thick rimmed glasses even though her eyes were closed; she looked as if she was in her mid 20's. Her body is tall and thin, slouching though made her look much smaller than she is; as for her clothes she wore a Celtic Ensemble.


"H-Hello, I am Mirrey and this is my faithful companion Ryu." She gesture her hand to the older male behind her. All he did was grunt in return, before being elbowed by the younger elf.

The strange female couldn't help but giggle at their interaction, "I am Terissa the Blind Mage. Surely you are here for something other than a chat."

They knew that was hint to talk about their preposition, not knowing that she was inspecting the both of them. She could not see them physically, although she could could still see them in her head only using shades of grey. 

     "First Subject : Ryu
  • Tall, He's about 6'2
  • Muscular/Lean, He's a swords man and sharpshooter.
  • Old, He's about 17 to 20 years older than the Mirrey.
  • Scars, Has 3 noticeable scars on his face; across his right eye, on his left side of his lip, and one the right side of his lower jaw line.
  • Wearing a full Dustin Armor, Used to be a royal guard."

"Second Subject: Mirrey
  • Small, She's about 5'3
  • Slim/Thick, Small upper body and thick legs; swords woman.
  • Young, Maybe 19 or 18.
  • Tattoos, She has tribal tattoos running across her cheeks.
  • Wearing full Tara Armor, must be a infiltrator."


"Would you like to come in, I could make us some coco while you explain to me." She asked as she led them into her tiny house. They followed as many of the horses began to come closer to the duo, as they were inspecting them as well. "Oh my, shoo shoo. These people are friends, now go." She told them as they started to back off.

Once inside, she escorted them to her table as she began to boil the milk. The duo took their seat looking at her as she made their drinks, surprised she was able to do such a act with out her eye sight. Ryu grunted a bit to get Mirrey's attention, and once he did she began to talk.

"Do you know about the old kingdom?" She asked as she fiddled with a spoon.

"Yes I do, before the queen took over and the princess disappeared. How do I not know?" She answered her and she keep her attention on the milk.

"As it may be hard to believe to you, but I am a descendant of the true princess; my mother Blanche. This man here ; Ryu, saved her and took her to the tribe of elves. B-But she was killed when I was born, and when I was born Ryu took care of me. So now we are trying to take back my Grandfather's and Mother's land back, and we ask of your help to come with us in our journey."

Looking at Terissa as she spoke, only to see her give her a cup and then Ryu one too. Taking her own seat in the process, she looked up at them giving them a terrifying smile. Gripping her cup slightly, she giggle in a ill matter.

"Now I understand that I may not know you, but you must have seen this coming. I will not let anyone speak ill of the princess. So if you can show me proof that you are her child, then please go ahead before you lose my interest and I kick you out."

Mirrey could only nod, as she felt a lump in her throat increase because of her threat. She looked over to Ryu, he nodded and grab a item wrapped in cloth. Placing it on the table; Terissa jumped as she could only feel the dark power in the item. She opened the covered item only to a Demonic Infinity Staff  She ran her fingers on top of the object, feeling the blood in her body increase in speed and in power. This was the legendary Demonic Infinity Staff, made by the God of the Fomors.

"...This was found in the castle after the raid. My mother kept it with her to keep it safe from Cichol. I believe you can control its demonic power, can you not?"

She informed her as she looked down at the staff until she noticed her hands were shaking.  Fear struck her face, as if she were at the verge of tears.

"By the gods, ...how did you know? No one knew..." She managed to say, as her face darken at the item.


Both the females turn their faces to look at Ryu, not once during this whole time he spoke. Till now that is, the women sat there quietly waiting for another responds.

"She came to me in a dream, all I saw was her figure standing in the middle of a building.

She said these words to me,
'Dear Ryu,
As I seen you do your job to protect the royal family, and not to mention yourself.
Your mother has pleaded to me, her soul wondering the lands to help your quest.
Cichol has taken control of the land, using the queen as his puppet.
Please I beg of you to help this land.
My power has been blocked away once more, being seal in this castle.
I ask you to save me, this land, and the new era of the people.
Seek the mage that can not see, for so is she that can hold the dark power and control it.' "

Looking directly at Terissa, as she straiten her self out. Only to speak in a formal and happy tone. 

"I know for sure you are not lying to me now, So I will be glad to join you guys on your journey. We may head out once I get the thing I need. We could use the horses out here for our travel."

Leaving them both to their thoughts about the new member; Mirrey happy to have another female around, and Ryu wondering her strength. This was the beginning of a new friendship, and life together.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

History Of The Land

 As in our land many have lived and passed on, as in our land many have become what no one could. We have royalty, and we have legends; when time passes so do they. We are in a land where those above are cruel and evil; when they do not give mercy to those who heed their help. In this land where humans, elves, and giants co-exist. This land is named, Tulia. In our land people are given a role in life, and seed in their soul; magic. Very few have it, and very few understand it; magic is looked down upon due to it's non-understanding . Our king is lively man, well known and well loved. His wife; the queen, is a another story. She plays the king for a fool and their daughter as a puppet. She my be only a mere elf, and her husband the mighty human; but she still goes into thought about evil actions she can do to take the king's chair. Due to her charm with her husband the law has fallen to kill those with magic who do not go to the church for guidance. Creating a vast war upon our land, where we fight for our freedom or our control. When our start of our adventures starts here...

"Father! Father!"

The cries of a young women fill the chambers, the crashing and trashing from fighting a unknown group of men. She struggled as one man grabs her waist to pick her up; kicking and screaming she couldn't stop them. Slamming her on the ground and tied her up, although to what happens next no one expected.

A man of tall stature comes in kicking down the door in full force  with shield and sword in hand. He dashed to the men in front of him; slashing and thrusting at them with cold heart. The flowing red liquid fell and splattered across room and on him self, the young maiden tried her best to keep away but no matter what the blood stained her.

After this fiasco, both the man and woman could take a look at each other. The tall human man; elegant and reform even with the cursed liquid tainting his looks. Coffee colored skin stood out from his sliver white armor, and white flowing hair. Thick forming brows on face with a calming look, standing out with a complimented shade of lilac purple eyes. He stood down on one knee, bowing his head slowly.

"Please forgive my tardiness, my lady."

His voice was soft but stern, it wasn't even as deep as his looks give off. He was much younger than the young maiden. Although she was in shock, she stood in her place standing like a true member of royalty. She has pale yellow skin elf, with shimmering golden eyes that played with determination. Silver blond hair trailed down her body smoothly to her waist, a perfect combination to her skin tight red armor she wore. 

"Ryu. You must not have to use formalities. You have been with me for quite a while, there is no need."

Her voice delicate and pure, still a bit stern due to the fact she tried to fight some men off earlier. Unlike her mother, she has tried her best to keep her father safe. Although tonight her mother has fought back, a surprise attack was let on their castle. To the few that she has led to trust came quickly to her father's aid, but to no surprise all of his men were killed including her father. 

"We have to leave. Now. We have to live to fight another day. Please, take me to the Elven Tribe out in the desert."

"Yes my lady."

"Also Ryu."

"Yes my lady?"

"Hand me your daggers."

"I brought them cause' I knew you would be brash and lose your sword."

"Thank You."


The land is divided to what the Elven Tribe, Human Tribe, and Giant Tribe can have. The Elven people take the large vast deserts, which included the jungle.

The Giants of the land isolate them selves from other tribes, which is in the mountains and lands around it; covered in a blanket of snow at all times.

In the other hand the Humans take the vast plains, and the thick dense forest. The only place where it seems it's the center of the of all tribes.


"Finally we're out!" 

She let out a relived laughed, walking through dark caves and tunnels to get out of the kingdom may not seem much. Although when the whole kingdom is after the run way princess it is. Their journey only took three days to get to the Elven Tribe leader, since her mother is royalty she had ties to the tribe. They didn't take kindly at first all due to the fact that she had a human male with her, but they came around.

Years have passed, and our lovely princess married, she married to a common man. She protected the land along the side of her trusted right hand man, Ryu. They took much of the land back, they started with the Elven people and ended up getting all their land back. There were many victories in their road, but there was also devastating loses. To the point where Ryu had to use forbidden magic to save the princess, losing his eye sight due to his spell. These things happened on their way to victory, and they still fought; but it all came to a stop.  The princess became pregnant, this was glorious news to the common people. Many gifts and treasures were left for her and incoming child, but when it came to the child's birth the princess died right after. Goblins came and raided the village, she begged Ryu to take her somewhere safe and to raise her with the kindness she showed him. Once she handed her new born child to him a sword came right into her chest, Ryu had little to no time to save himself and the child. 

He took her to a place he never thought he would return, his old home. Surrounded by a dense forest and by living there for almost his whole life, he knew this was a perfect place to keep her safe. He raised her as she was his own daughter, even though he was gone for a couple of days at a time. He did free lance work to keep up their money, and he would teach her everything he knew. If it was archery she knew, if was sword play she knew, and if it was magic she knew. Today will marks her 19th birthday, the day she asks Ryu to start their adventure.

  She came through the door only to see Ryu on the table with coco in his hands. Dropping her weapons near a rack, she grab a mug and poured her self some, taking a seat right in front of him. She looked up at him with a innocent gleam in her eyes, he looked at her with a very unamused face. Knowing she wanted something he slapped his face with hand grunting, with his other hand waving at her to go ahead and ask. Knowing she won the battle, she giggled with excitement.



"I want to save my land."


"What?!? But I'm 19 now! Please you have to let me do something!"

"We are, we are going to find people to join our group."


"We need our personal party if we are going into war, but we don't have one."

"...So the sooner we find a party, the sooner we can save my people?"

"Correct, now the first person in our list is...Terissa."

"Who is that?"

"She is a black mage, with no ability to open her eyes. Still is strong, and she holds some sort
of link to Cichol . She lives in the outskirts of Dunbarton."

"When can we go?"

"When our supplies are ready."
